Tuesday 18 March 2014

Akshay Kumar in Hwa Rang Do

Hwa Rang Do, Korean for "The way of the Flowering Manhood," is a Korean martial art that was created by Dr. Joo Bang Lee and his brother, Joo Sang Lee. This martial art teaches and encourages fighting techniques, weapons, spiritual training, intellectual enhancement, and artistic pursuits. It has a very involved technique structure.
Hwa Rang Do is a martial art based upon the combat skills and teachings of the Hwarang System called Um Yang Kwon. It encompasses over 4,000 techniques as well as 108 weapons. Their training consisted of their renowned empty hand system that blended hard and soft, linear and circular techniques. These are taught in a progression as a student gains sashes (items to signify skill level attained), with many of the more difficult ones only taught after a black sash is achieved. Due to the extensive nature of the curriculum, typically attaining a black sash may take between 8 – 15 years. More dedicated students may possibly achieve it in less.
Named after the Hwarang, an elite youth order of the Silla kingdom during the Three-Kingdoms Period in what is now Korea, the order of youths, mostly from aristocratic families, were educated in artistic, academic, and martial fields of study. The students of Hwarangdo were called Hwarang (Flower Knight) comprised of two groups; "Hwarang" (Flower Man) the leaders and youths from royal family members, and "rangdo" (fellows) the students, disciples, soldiers, and were generally of the civilian class.
Hwarangdo began as more than a system of martial arts or a belief. It spanned the entire culture.
Through King Taejon of the Chosun Kingdom era, the institute of Hwarangdo was disbanded and the leaders of Hwarang lived in seclusion. For more than 600 years, the Hwarang System of martial arts went unknown to the public until Dr. Joo Bang Lee, under the tutelage of Suahm Dosa, re-introduced it as Hwarang musool. In this, he structured the curriculum into various categories of learning.
In 1972, Joo Bang Lee moved to California, taking the World Headquarters of Hwa Rang Do with him. It is believed by his adherents that he is the 58th successive holder of the title of "Supreme Grand Master" of Hwa Rang Do.

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