Tuesday 18 March 2014

Akshay Kumar in Kendo

Kendo, "Way of the Sword", is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordsmanship.
Kendo developed from the fighting art of Kenjutsu, which dates back to the 11th century and was the most important martial art of the samurai. Kenjutsu was practiced by many famous swordsmen, such as Miyamoto Musashi, author of The Book of Five Rings. Furthermore, military clans of the earliest samurai governments in Japan utilized sword fencing, together with horse riding and archery, as a main martial arts pursuit.
Practitioners of kendo are called kendōka. They use shinai, bamboo swords, along with protective armor are used for training instead of the traditional razor-sharp metal swords that Japanese martial utilized.
Extremely popular in Japan, there are estimates that about six million people worldwide practice Kendo.
In modern kendo competitions, competitors wear special protective gear and strike at each others head, chest, or hand with a bamboo sword. In competition, points are awarded when an attack is made to a target area. For an attack to be successful, the sword must strike the specified target soundly, the contact by the shinai must happen simultaneously with the attacker's front foot connecting with floor, and the kendoka must execute a spirited and convincing yell in co-ordination with the strike. For a strike to be deemed sound, the point of contact must fall within the top third of the sword, and the direction of movement must be technically correct. Finally, the continuation of awareness, must be present and shown throughout the execution of the strike. The competitor must also be ready to attack again.
Additionally, there are 10 Nihon Kendo Kata, which are often performed with the wooden swords or even occasionally, the real swords typically used for display. The kata include fundamental techniques of attacking and counter-attacking. They have useful practical application in general kendo.
Kendo retains an extremely traditional image, especially due to the traditional-looking protective armor, face mask, and the typical Kendo-swords.

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